Beleggen, grondstoffen, rendement, jim, rogers, jim rogers, goeroe, commodity, investments
zondag 25 december 2011
I’m Not Too Optimistic About What’s Going To Be Happening In The World In The Next 2 Or 3 Years
I’m not too optimistic about what’s going to be happening in the world in the next two or three years, and maybe even longer.
We have serious problems in the United States. You know, in 2002 we had an economic slowdown, 2008 was even worse because the debt was so much higher. The next time around the debt is going to be staggeringly higher. So, the problems are going to continue to get worse until somebody solves the basic underlying problem of too much spending and too much debt.
zondag 11 december 2011
If You Own Cash, Make Sure It Is The Right Cash
First, you better make sure that cash is in the right cash. A few years ago many people put their money in Icelandic krona, thought they were very safe. They had currency and they were earning high rates of interest and of course the krona collapsed and some of those people lost all of their money. So make sure you are in the right cash, first of all.
zondag 27 november 2011
I Am Mainly Short Shares Around The World
I mainly short shares around the world. I have shorted American technology companies, I have shorted European stocks and shorted emerging market stocks. Jim Rogers
zondag 13 november 2011
We Have Shortages Of Everything From Oil To Food
We have shortages of everything from oil to food and on top of that we have governments printing more money. Put the two together and you have some serious inflation coming down the road.
Governments will eventually put in place price controls but if you tell someone they can only make so much money he is going to stop producing. The Chinese are seeing this and that's why they are out looking to buy assets. They are down here in Australia trying to buy up more.
zondag 30 oktober 2011
A Few Thoughts On The Greek Situation
In America, we’ve had states go bankrupt, cities, counties. This has happened before. It didn’t end America, didn’t end the US Dollar. You let entities collapse, go bankrupt. This happens all the time. This happened throughout history. That’s all you have to do, let them go bankrupt, let the people who made the bad loans take their losses and start over from a sounder base. But just pushing into the future and letting debt go higher and higher will mean it’s going to end very, very badly and then you know, five years from now, you may have a complete collapse of the Euro, the European Union and for that matter, all the Western world.
zondag 16 oktober 2011
I’ll Probably Make More Money In Agriculture Than In Other Things
Agriculture prices are still, on a historic basis, extremely depressed, and in my view I’ll probably make more money in agriculture than in other things.
zondag 2 oktober 2011
The US Dollar Has Started To Fade As The World`s Reserve Currency
The U.S. dollar has started fading as the world's reserve currency. However, the dollar could get a temporary boost if the government allows U.S. companies to repatriate their overseas cash without onerous taxation
zondag 18 september 2011
All Markets, Bull or Bear, Have Contractions, Consolidations, Corrections
Well, all markets, bull or bear, have contractions, consolidations, corrections — call them what you will—and it looks as though that’s happened to some commodities now. It’s also happened to some stocks and some currencies. It’s the way the world works.
If you look at oil, for instance, it has gone down over 50 percent three or four different times since 1998. That’s what markets do, and they will continue to do that. I would expect we’re going to see many more periods like this in the next decade. I hope we do. Anything that goes straight up you know turns around and comes straight down eventually.
zondag 4 september 2011
This Is A Huge Mistake For Switzerland
The move will work for a while, but the market will have more money in the end than the SNB. The Swiss central bank risks losing a lot of money buying up lots of foreign currencies which they will eventually sell at a loss.
Another risk is that the central bank will totally debase the Swiss franc trying to keep Switzerland 'competitive' which will then destroy the traditional Swiss financial industry.
So this is a huge mistake for Switzerland since they are going to suffer more either way.
Another risk is that the central bank will totally debase the Swiss franc trying to keep Switzerland 'competitive' which will then destroy the traditional Swiss financial industry.
So this is a huge mistake for Switzerland since they are going to suffer more either way.
dinsdag 30 augustus 2011
The Price Of A Commodity Will Never Go To Zero
The price of a commodity will never go to zero. When you invest in commodities futures, you're not buying a piece of paper that says you own an intangible piece of company that can go bankrupt.
dinsdag 23 augustus 2011
Recognize Change And React Accordingly
Those who can not adjust to change will be swept aside by it. Those who recognize change and react accordingly will benefit.
dinsdag 16 augustus 2011
I Expect More Social Unrest In The World
Agriculture prices are still, on a historic basis, extremely depressed, and in my view I'll probably make more money in agriculture than other things.
I fully expect more social unrest in the world, I fully expect more turmoil, but I didn't expect it to happen this quickly because food prices are somewhat depressed.
I fully expect more social unrest in the world, I fully expect more turmoil, but I didn't expect it to happen this quickly because food prices are somewhat depressed.
dinsdag 9 augustus 2011
The Idea That The U.S. Is Downgraded And The UK Is Not Is Lunacy
The idea that the U.S. is downgraded and the UK is not is lunacy. There are many countries, Belgium, Spain, lots of countries in Europe, that should be downgraded just as the U.S. has been downgraded.
dinsdag 2 augustus 2011
Agriculture: One Of The Greatest Industries In The Next 30 Years
"Agriculture is going to be one of the greatest industries in the next 20 years, 30 years."
Jim Rogers
Jim Rogers
dinsdag 26 juli 2011
The Investment World Knows That The U.S. Is Not AAA
"Everyone already knows that the U.S. has lost its AAA status. Anyone who knows what is going on, already knows that the U.S. is now the biggest debtor nation in the history of the world. It’s only S&P and Moody’s that haven’t figured out what is going on. The investment world knows that the U.S. is not AAA."
Jim Rogers in the WSJ
Jim Rogers in the WSJ
dinsdag 19 juli 2011
dinsdag 12 juli 2011
Commodities Are In A Win-Win Situation
“If the world economy gets better, I earn money on commodities. If the global economy gets worse then they will print more money and I will make money in commodities.”
Jim Rogers on CNBC
Jim Rogers on CNBC
maandag 4 juli 2011
Let Greece Go Bankrupt
"Through out history, when countries get on situations like this, the longer you delay reality, the longer you delay the inevitable, the worse it is in the end."
"Look at Argentina 20 years ago. We could go on and on. Let Greece go bankrupt."
Jim Rogers Bloomberg
"Look at Argentina 20 years ago. We could go on and on. Let Greece go bankrupt."
Jim Rogers Bloomberg
zaterdag 18 juni 2011
maandag 6 juni 2011
Unless Something Happens We're Going To Have No Food In A Number Of Years
"Farming has been a disaster, and unless something happens very quickly, we're going to have no food in a number of years."
Jim Rogers in BBC Hard Talk
Jim Rogers in BBC Hard Talk
zondag 22 mei 2011
If You Have Bonds, Sell Them
"If any of you have bonds, I would urge you to go home and sell them. If any of you are bond portfolio managers, I would get another job:if I were you, I would think about becoming a farmer."
Jim Rogers in BigGovernment
Jim Rogers in BigGovernment
maandag 18 april 2011
If China opens its currency market everything China imports will go down in price
`I think it’s better for China to open its currency market as soon as possible. This is not 1981; this is 2011. China is a strong and independent country now, and they don’t have to worry about the currency.`
`It would be good for China and the 1.3 billion Chinese. Everything China imports will go down in price. You have to have a convertible currency to have a strong international economy.`
Jim Rogers in China Digital
`It would be good for China and the 1.3 billion Chinese. Everything China imports will go down in price. You have to have a convertible currency to have a strong international economy.`
Jim Rogers in China Digital
woensdag 16 maart 2011
Japan`s Disaster And How It Impacts Commodities
"No, it will increase demand because with the nuclear power plants being closed down or damaged or under duress, Japan will have to import more oil, everybody in the world will now look at their nuclear power plants again and probably have more demand for oil and natural gas. Japan is now going to rebuild, that is going to cause big increases in demand for copper and other things. Japan wasn't building very much in the past 10-15 years, now there is going to be a big jump in the demand for building materials in Japan."
Jim Rogers in Economic Times
Jim Rogers in Economic Times
dinsdag 22 februari 2011
The Farmers And The Miners Will Be In Charge For The Next 2 or 3 Decades
"The City of London and Wall Street are not going to be great places to be in the next two or three decades. It's going to be the people who produce real goods in charge - the farmers and the miner."
Jim Rogers in The Telegraph
Jim Rogers in The Telegraph
vrijdag 14 januari 2011
Hogere voedselprijzen zullen voor sociale onrust zorgen
"You are already starting to see some unrest in some countries as prices go higher. It's going to cause a lot more social unrest as prices go higher around the world. Some governments will topple. Prices for raw materials are rising again and if inflation starts to take off that will only stoke the flame."
Jim Rogers op een in Chicago gehouden conferentie.
In Hongarije en Tunesië is nu al sprake van onrust en die zal zich waarschijnlijk gaan uitbreiden naar meer landen bij nog duurder wordende grondstofprijzen.
Jim Rogers op een in Chicago gehouden conferentie.
In Hongarije en Tunesië is nu al sprake van onrust en die zal zich waarschijnlijk gaan uitbreiden naar meer landen bij nog duurder wordende grondstofprijzen.
maandag 10 januari 2011
Jim Rogers over 2011 en de mogelijkheid zijn seminar bij te wonen!
1 februari komt Jim Rogers naar Amsterdam om een seminar te geven.
Er is in te schrijven voor deze seminar op
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