dinsdag 26 juli 2011

The Investment World Knows That The U.S. Is Not AAA

"Everyone already knows that the U.S. has lost its AAA status. Anyone who knows what is going on, already knows that the U.S. is now the biggest debtor nation in the history of the world. It’s only S&P and Moody’s that haven’t figured out what is going on. The investment world knows that the U.S. is not AAA."

Jim Rogers in the WSJ

dinsdag 19 juli 2011

Jim Rogers on FOX Business News 07/11/11

dinsdag 12 juli 2011

Commodities Are In A Win-Win Situation

“If the world economy gets better, I earn money on commodities. If the global economy gets worse then they will print more money and I will make money in commodities.”

Jim Rogers on CNBC

maandag 4 juli 2011

Let Greece Go Bankrupt

"Through out history, when countries get on situations like this, the longer you delay reality, the longer you delay the inevitable, the worse it is in the end."

"Look at Argentina 20 years ago. We could go on and on. Let Greece go bankrupt."

Jim Rogers Bloomberg