zaterdag 31 augustus 2013

Full-scale Market Mess

Potential conflict in Syria and the scaling back of Fed stimulus point to a full-scale market mess. No matter how well the plans are made, strange things happen in war and who knows what unintended consequences will come. But I do know that throughout history whenever you had war, things like food prices have gone up a lot, energy prices have gone up a lot, copper price, lead prices: you know, all of these things go up a lot whenever there's been a war in the past.

vrijdag 26 juli 2013

U.S. Stocks: The Bull Market Is Getting Close To The End

I’ve never seen a bull market in any asset class that goes on forever. There may be one, but I’ve never heard of it. Enjoy it, but be prepared. I do know it will end, but not when. We’re getting close to the end. The day that happens won’t be a pretty one. When it ends it will be a big mess. he continued. This will be worse than 2001 and 2008-2009.

vrijdag 17 mei 2013

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maandag 22 april 2013

Be Careful With Your Bank Account

It’s been condoned now by the IMF, the European union, and everybody else in sight; that a government in need,can take assets. We all knew they could tax us...but this is the first time that I’m aware of, that they’ve gone in and taken bank accounts. They took gold from people in the U.S. in the 1930′s…but I’ve never heard of them taking bank accounts. Now they’re doing it. So be careful because, now they can take your bank account under this precedent.

woensdag 20 maart 2013

Gold Market Outlook

I don`t think the bull market will end in gold. Normally all assets correct 30 or 40 percent every year or 2 or 3. It`s just the way the markets work. Gold has only been down 30 percent once in the past 12 years and even then it ended up for the year. This is extremely unusual for any market. So, what I said was, that if gold were to correct 35 or 40 percent it would go to 1200. Gold needs to correct, it`s supposed to correct every 2 or 3 years. It has not, which worries me. If it did, I hope I am smart enough to buy more. It should but it does not mean it will. It may go to 2400 before it goes to 1200.

dinsdag 12 februari 2013

My Success Came From Homework, Working Harder

“To the extent that I had any success, it was from homework. I was willing and able to work harder than other people, but I was also willing and able to think differently from other people.” Jim Rogers in Smart Planet

dinsdag 15 januari 2013

Rothschild: How He Used To Invest

"It may have been Meyer Rothschild, the German banker and patriarch of the legendary House of Rothschild who, when asked how he got so rich, attributed his success to two things. He said he always bought when there was blood in the streets - panic, chaos - when despondency gripped the markets. (in old man Rothschild case, investing amid the turbulence of the Napoleonic wars, the blood was as likely to be literal as it was to be figurative.) And he always sold "too soon". He did not wait for the enthusiasm to peak. He always knew when to get out, and he got out in time with all his money." Jim Rogers